




1、Grug: No one said survival is fun.瓜哥:没人说活着是件好玩儿的事。 Eep: Nothing is fun.小伊:一点也不好玩。


3、Thunk: Hey,look! This cave has a tongue! Awesome!坦克:这个洞里有条舌头,太酷了!

4、Guy: The Mountain. High ground. End of the world, remember?盖:那座山,高地,末日,记得吗? Eep: That already happened. It destroyed our cave.小伊:这一切已经发生了,它毁了我们的洞。 Guy: No. That was just the beginning of the end. The end of the end is still coming.盖:不,这只是末日的开始,最后的末日还没完全来呢!

5、You have to be wary of other people writing stuff for you,

6、Eep: Well, sort of...So from now on, we‟ll stay out here, where we can follow the light.小伊:基本上是,从那时起我们一直住在这里,这个能追随光明的地方。

7、I'm scared it's over.

8、Look at this studio filled with glamorous merchandise.

9、- Just be quick.- I think you can be pretty sure

10、this loud. We do this as a family, and never not be afraid!瓜哥:排成早餐队形!都拿点穴居人的样子出来,我们动作要快,我们声音要响,我们要齐 心协力,还有永远不要不害怕。


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